
miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Portfolio U.4

In this Unit I´ve learned how to product a design and what sketches, diagrams and technical drowing are and how to make them. In this unit the technical drawing is very important because we learn to draw in a 3d figure  a 2d figure in all his views. It happens the same but in the oposit way

lunes, 23 de enero de 2017

Portfolio Unit 3 - Oscar Huelin

FINALLY what you where waiting for, The unit 3 portfolio. So this is more like it. As you have seen in the HTML we are going to talk about Web-Pages. So in this unit I have learned about parts of a web-page:
I´ve alo seen how web-pages work but if you want to see it just see my entrance with the HTML.
How to use different web pages for example:
- Blogger
- World Press
- Google drive
- Podcast
- And so...

And also how secures they are eaven if they are popular or not.
And I have learned, as you can see, The Basics of the HTML.
Please Watch the HTML I did and you can make yourself one.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

World Press - Oscar Huelin

If you want to create a web page use this free site.

I have made a web-site, take a quik look:

Moodle - Educa Madrid - Oscar Huelin

Moodle it´s a technology platform based on free software. Is used for the facility for persons to learn by internet. It has lots of activities and contents to learn easyer.

To get a tutorial of how is it you just click on the blue link i´m letting you here.

Here it will teach you to use a platform if you want to be a teacher or a student.

For people who don´t know whats an online classroom is a place wuere they teach you by videos and the teacher responds to all the questions you have.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

My first page in HTML

Today we are going to learn how to create a web page "como dios manda". First open block notes and then put the following text showed on the picture:
It´s really important to safe the file as Unit03_P4_namesurname.htm

When you safe it then open it and you will have created the web page.

But this is a very easy one you should try this one to insert not oneley a text but any source:

The result is


lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Portfolio de Tema 2 Oscar Huelin

In  the second unit I´ve learned what is the internet and what is used for. ¿Did you knew that the first propose for the internet wasn´t to search information, watch videos or comunícate? The first purpose of this was that if a server doesn´t work well and you can´t access the information trough that paths, shows you other ways to get that information. I´ve also learned the parts of the internet:

-DNS server

And how to use the internet in an effective and responsible way for not to get any troyans or viruses which I also learned about.

Vídeo Summary Óscar Huelin

Hello everyone again we are going to talk this video I´m going to lend in the description:

Click Here

So the video is about technology in the future. Do you think is going to be like in the future? Leave it on the comments. So I think IT´S NOT GOING TO BE LIKE IT because no body makes technologys to work but most are for play. So let me know your opinión it´s verry important. IN the video there are some weird things I think there are mostly imposible to do. If not there already been some on amazon or something.

So this is all leave a comment and follow me so you ae advised on when I update my blog.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2016

Unit 1 Oscar Huelin


Hello every body I´m back in black with a new blogg on the internet for all of you, this time also in english. If you want to now the book I´m using it´s the one i´m leaving here on the url:

We are going to start with the first unit in my opinión the easyest one. Its about algorythms and how to solve a problem on your daily life. I now it´s not the best unit that ýou can learn but if you want to pass level 2 you need to pass level 1, life it´s difficult.

Things that i have learn in this unit are algorythms, programing languages, program, flowchart, secuential algorithm, selective algorithm, iteractive algorithm, iterlative algorithms...



Hello every one if you want to see your IP adress just go into this URL: